![[ The Running Girl || ] T shirt design](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a97f4b7266c073eec237a4a/1519908922667-GK6YTLQYMAFH4D591MWQ/GN_CO_IL_EV_MeCAxBRING_T-shirt_photo01-1400x1400.jpg)





![[ The Running Girl || ] T shirt design](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a97f4b7266c073eec237a4a/1519908922667-GK6YTLQYMAFH4D591MWQ/GN_CO_IL_EV_MeCAxBRING_T-shirt_photo01-1400x1400.jpg)
[ The Running Girl || ] T shirt design
2018 illustration
â–« 02.09.2018 - 02.18.2018 BRING x MeCA pop-up, Omotesando Hills Stairs
▫ in collaboration with「MeCA l Media Culture in Asia: A Transnational Platform」is japan 's first platform for comprehensively distribution of media culture.
â–« BRING prints on their recycled technology made shirts. Designs from artists involved in MeCA are sold during the event.
Have a project? Feel free to msg for availability