Vista & Glassheart Japan event

Presented by Such As, Gallery

2023. 11. 03 (金)OPENING
2023. 11. 13(月)CLOSING

2023.11.04(土)OPENING PARTY

Such As, Gallery
2 Chome-27-10 Kitazawa, Setagaya City, Tokyo 155-0031 (map)



An ongoing series of risograph card prints created by Genie Ink during the pandemic. These miniature scenes tell stories from distant memories and landscapes in soft pastels and bold fluorescent colours. Each print was created by layering 4 inks in a process called risography and was printed by hand in Toronto Canada, Tokyo Japan and Los Angeles USA. Every month for the last 3 years, Genie has designed a Vista as a part of their exploration of pushing the boundaries of risography printing and narrative illustrations. Now in its 4th year, the series has amassed over 30 individual scenes to be immersed in.



2020年から始まったこのシリーズは、インクとデジタルペインティングを使って「少女時代」と「希望」を描いています。シンガポールにあるリソグラフスタジオKnuckles & Notchと共同プロジェクトのもとGlassheartシリーズを完成させました。
鮮やかなネオンカラーのリソインクを6色使用するなど複雑なプロセスを取り入れて制作した15枚の作品は、リソグラフアートブックとして限定出版され、Singapore Art Book Fair 2023にてデビュー。

The body is a motion, a transformation and a metamorphosis. This is a story of reincarnation as told by magical girl iconography. At the start of 2020, Genie started a series of ink and digital paintings expressing themes of girlhood and hope. This year, Singapore-based risograph studio, Knuckles & Notch worked with them to complete the series and publish the finished collection as a risograph art book. The book features 15 new illustrations printed in vibrant fluorescent riso ink in a complex 6-colour process. The limited publication debuted at the Singapore Art Book Fair 2023 and has been on Genie’s book tour this summer.

Risography Process Display


Finally, a display wall of Genie’s risograph process, originals and their personal collection of riso colour charts and printing resources will be present to view. The wall will feature notes on creating risograph images and many samples to look through.

Opening Party Tea Ceremony Event


On November 4th, an opening reception with a tea ceremony will be hosted by A Bluer Don Juan, a Los Angeles-based contemporary artist and tea ceremony practitioner. Guests will get to experience complimentary matcha and light snacks. There will be 6 available spots for participating in the matcha ceremony. Please fill out the form in advance for those interested in the tea ceremony. 6 names will be randomly selected and the participants will be emailed 1 week before the event. The tea ceremony will be held at 16:00 - 17:00. Afterwards, the opening party will continue until 19:00.

Update: The 6 names have been selected on October 28th, 12 noon.

Map & Show Hours


The artist will be present during the Opening Party, show opening and closing dates. If you wish to speak to the artist on other days of the show, please email Genie ahead of time.

Thank you For Reading, and see you soon!


We look forward to welcoming you to this solo exhibition, where you can experience the wonderous world of Genie and celebrate the magic of riso.

With heartfelt thanks,
Genie and Such As, Gallery


The event logo was designed by
©JOYCE, the Vista series risograph prints pictured were printed by Colour Code Printing, the Glassheart risograph artist book was printed by Knuckles and Notch, and the webpage graphic design and illustrations were by Genie Ink.